creating heirloom ephemera


your besotted love for one another manifests in layers of design, telling your love story and setting the tone for your nuptials. Elegant & unexpected, designed as a modern heirloom.

As a company, we are particular & selective about the quality of products we work with and use only high-quality paper types to ensure your suite not only looks and feels beautiful but stands the test of time.  All our wedding invitation suites are designed specifically for each client, featuring one-of-a-kind artwork and calligraphy, all done by hand & created for each of our coupls.

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be curious…surprise & delight your guests.

With expert guidance in etiquette, formality, products, printing, and mailing, we guide you through your design process smooth and stress-free



art direction & quality

servicing our clients with thorough & complete art direction sets us apart in our industry.

we manage your design process from creating your artwork, developing your lettering style, expertly selecting your papers & ornamentation, managing the printing of your project to ensure quality & color, as well as full assembly and mailing services.

our goal is to manage and direct every detail throughout your invitation process, allowing you to enjoy the engaging portions of the process and remain stress free.



Shop our calligraphy & design services

We’ve recently added our calligraphy and design services for the bride who wants to put her own personal touch on her wedding invitations (literally!). Up until now, we’ve offered our custom design work with full printing, assembly, and mailing services…but we know there are brides who love to get their hands dirty and have the chops to take on their printing and assembly (we applaud you, we’re cut from the same cloth!).

From envelope calligraphy, spot calligraphy, or escort cards to a full custom design ready for you to print, head over to our shop to check out our new options!