calligraphy, artwork Victoria Rothwell calligraphy, artwork Victoria Rothwell

How to Combine Classic & Modern

How do you combine two totally opposing design ideas? We’ll show you…


classic | elegant | gold | clean lines | monochromatic | bold

an invitation suite for a wedding at:

New York Public Library | New York, New York

For a wedding at the New York Public Library, our bride wanted to figure out how to combine super traditional, flourished calligraphy (her favorite!) but with more modern lines and a bit of gold.


We started with our paper selection.

We went with a bold, bright white cotton, a silky smooth black, and thick vellum with deckled edges. The bold white gave us a modern feel while balancing out the over-the-top calligraphy.

We also selected an oversized wax seal in black, again, aiming to combine the traditional and modern.


We used a combination of printing methods, including digital printing for our bold monochromatic patterns, and foil for the invitation, reply card envelope liners, and mini insert cards.

We placed the bold black and white floral pattern on both the backs of our insert cards as well as the envelope liners on our mini bright white envelopes.

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artwork, calligraphy, custom wedding invitation Victoria Rothwell artwork, calligraphy, custom wedding invitation Victoria Rothwell

Formal Calligraphy


Formal calligraphy is the epitome of formality and tradition. it’s elegant style and grace lends itself perfectly for a formal wedding or a black tie evening.


There really is no such thing as “perfect etiquette” when it comes to weddings anymore. Nowadays, weddings are all about the merging of two people and everything those two individuals encompass.

However, formal will always be formal, and what better way to introduce your guests to your formal affair than with gorgeous formal calligraphy?

Wedding calligraphy comes in so many styles, from brush calligraphy to modern, flourished to drawn out and simplistic. Today we’re looking at the formal end of the calligraphy pool, which also happens to be my favorite end to swim in.

Like all calligraphy, formal wedding calligraphy can be used as spot calligraphy (titles and names) or the whole invitation entirely in calligraphy.

Things to keep in mind when selecting a calligrapher and calligraphy style:

Make sure the style you like is legible, especially if you love the look of the entire suite in calligraphy! Your guests need to be able to read what it says!

Not all calligraphers are created equal. Some have years and years of experience, and some are new to the scene. Like with most professions, you may find that more seasoned veterans have a more streamlined process and are able to help you select a style with ease. Typically, formal styles take longer to develop and learn, so you’re more likely to come across someone with a bit more experience under their belts when looking for a formal calligrapher.

Although some of these invitations are written entirely in calligraphy, they are not written individually in calligraphy. Formal calligraphy is a graceful and time-consuming art that takes time. Is it possible to have each one handwritten? Certainly, but be prepared to pay for it! Each invitation suite written entirely and individually by hand can take anywhere between an hour to several hours, so be prepared to see pricing north of $150 per suite (for example, I would charge $350+ for each suite). However, there’s good news! Most calligraphers have a much simpler and cost-friendly alternative! We handwrite each suite once, scanning the calligraphy into an editing software (I use Photoshop) to make any alterations and corrections and get the calligraphy into the invitation design. We then print each suite, rather than writing each one individually. I have seen many a bride asking for each suite handwritten not knowing the difference, so hopefully, this clears it up!

When shopping for calligraphy invitations, you can either pair up with a designer who then hires a calligrapher with/for you, or you can select a designer that also does calligraphy (like me!). When working with more than one artist on a project, look for a seasoned designer who can take the helm in finding a calligapher/printer/suppliers that fit your aesthetic and budget to make your invitation process smooth and stress-free!

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