Custom Invitations, custom wedding invitation Victoria Rothwell Custom Invitations, custom wedding invitation Victoria Rothwell

Chinoiserie Blue Wedding Invitations - Envelopes


Envelopes…always my favorite part of an invitation suite. A commonly neglected and always unexpected design element….


This suite featured two different pieces of artwork on the envelope liners, as well as artwork printed on both the reply envelope as well as the mailing envelope. Naturally, we selected blue postage to compliment the overall aesthetic.

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Personalized Perfume Bottles


This past month has held a few perfume bottle projects, which just warms my heart! They’re such an interesting and unique gift!

Handpainted Perfume Bottles Brides GiftCS_3041.JPG

This particular set was designed to match the bride’s wedding invitations and was a gift from the mother of the bride to her daughter on her wedding day. (If you don’t know, Jo Malone is designed to layer and pair scents, so these two are the two the bride selected to wear on her special day!)


The bride’s invitations may look familiar to you, we posted the pictures a while back. Her perfume bottles pair beautifully with her blush and blue invitation suite.

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